Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Sulphurs, March Browns and Hopeful Drakes

Over the past week the Sulphur Hatch has been building with great dry fly opportunities in the evenings.
With different varieties of insects hatching and various sizes of each I recommend having varying sizes in your box. I tie Sulphurs in three sizes 12's for the early part of the hatch, 14's for the middle and 16's towards the end. The three varieties of Sulphurs start with the larger ones hatching first as the hatch progresses the smaller insects begin their emergence.
Though the large fish have been eating the Sulphurs some of the medium and smaller fish have been keying in on the large March Browns. These too have been a couple of different sizes, so you should have 10's and 12's tied for your boxes.
The Green Drakes are still struggling and should be happening soon. Though the Sulphurs and March Browns are about two weeks early for the Clarion River the Drakes typically hatch at Dark during the first week of June. We are still waiting to see more.
With all of these insects mentioned I prefer and seems as though the fish prefer lower riding patterns such as Compara Duns tied with either Deer for a higher riding fly or CDC for a Surface film fly, Parachute Patterns and for your drakes extended bodies tied parachute style.

See You on the River.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009