Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Football on the Allegheny!

Allegehny and Clarion River Reports

With the fall air moving in and sporadic rain showers the Allegheny River is fishing great!  In the past week it appears that the Corp has changed the outflow to bottom release with drastic drops in the rivers water temperatures.  This has done allot to improve the quantity of fish being landed.  Though Caddis, Slate Drakes (Iso's) and blue winged olives are present the majority of the fishing still remains sub surface. 
The Clarion river still needs a nice blast of water as it remains at summer low flow.  The fishing on the river remains good early morning.  Once the fall rains begin to move in the Clarion's fishing will get better.  Most of the fish have been average fish with a few large browns being caught.
This week's forecast is for rain daily, through the weekend.  Once we receive a good push of water, 400CFS or better, we will see steelhead distributed throughout Cattaraugus creek.  The reservation fishing remains slow with catches of mostly jacks and the occasional adult steelhead.  Once we receive good runs (stocks) of fish I'll update more on this falls run.  See you on the river (heading to the Catt today)......... 

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Allegheny River Fish

Allegheny River

The Allegheny is holding it's summer fishing patterns.  Early morning still produces the better fishing rather than in the evening.  With the increase in water release, cooler days and nights the fishing is starting to get better by the day.  We are starting to see hatches of Caddis, BWO's, Iso's and White Mayflies.  Even with all of these insects on the water, the fish are still doing most of their feeding sub surface.  Best Fishes.